I. CSS3 animation shorthand (w3/spec)
@keyframes once { /* something */ } @keyframes repeat { /* something */ } #thing { animation:once 3s } .things { animation:repeat 3s 300ms infinite }
II. js
setTimeout(function once(){ /* something */ }, 3e3); // no direct way to specify an initial delay setInterval(function repeat(){ /* something */ }, 3e3);
III. Hypothetical jQuery plugin (jQuery/docs)
$('#thing').timeout(function once(){ /* something */ }, 3e3); $('.things').interval(function repeat(){ /* something */ }, 3e3, 300);
Just curious, what is 3e3?
Just searching for the same answer, I found 3e3 its a 3 number followed by 3 "0's" digits (a.k.a.: 3000).
The same as 3*10e3. The number you put after the "e" letter, the number of zeros you add.
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