Number is Ratio
Numbers, as we know them, are ratios.
For example, 5 is 5/1 or 5:1.
We typically compare numbers sharing the same ratio: 1.
For example, the ratio 13:5 is 13/1 / 5/1, or 13/5.
This ties [the magnitude size of] ratios to the common ratio, 1.
The number 1 is special because it has linear symmetry: 1/1.
Our mathematics and calculators are not typically very good at handling very very very large numbers or ratios.
How many photons would fit between here and the furthest human-made satellite?
An exact number, extremely large, changing every instant.
Use another common ratio that is self-similar, Φ:φ.
This number is also special because it also has binary symmetry, although curved.
This curve can then be used to compare curvatures, and preserve magnitudes exactly even when using infinitely large numbers or infinitely small.
The shape of the curve is used to make extremely large leaps of magnitude and fix inaccuracies at infinitely small scales.
We would probably only measure things close to our scale, from the universal to the Plank, sub-quantum and algorithmic scales and everything in between, like the size of our bodies or vehicles.
Further, we could use the current date and time as one of the numbers to preserve our scale of time as it moves. In essence, the ratio between any number and the present time, compared to the common ratio, yields a number to iterate until a limit (of time).
Braids of resonance weave through every fractal bit in spacetime. Moduli overlap in resonance and prime superposition yielding families of multidimensional disambiguators.
Teachers should be great writers (of HTML)
Learning, as a psychological activity, also evolves as the product of individual and social evolution. Our species becomes more knowledgeable and able to quickly learn anything, so the expectations for learning increase too.
From oral presentation and static text-books to BYOD tablets and web apps, the future will always nurture more efficient and also more diverse ways to communicate. The latest app, gadget, wearable, protocol, stack, meme, slang. From the Oxford comma to the latest build, the ways we communicate and fulfill our needs is not only a reflection of our psychology, it is in itself an extension of the fundamental rules of life.
Everything we invent is a product of life
Communication describes itself (words about words), is self-referential and can be studied as an aggregate organism: the sum of the minds that filter, persist and communicate the individual memes. Just like the sum of the bees that make a hive and produce honey for a queen. The Queens of our societies are our muses and the projections of our ideals, needs and motivations. Our honey is that new tech, that sweet ride or accessory.
Our feathers that show others we are doing great
As a business idea gains market traction, the market rushes and supply meets demand; significantly sharpening the efficacy and efficiency of product and delivery. There is an app for that. There is a startup for that. There is a post-it for that. We live in an era where ideas are abundant and the laws that regulate the market complex enough to necessitate at least one full-time, competent (competitive too) lawyer. And a marketer. And a designer.
And a unicorn
But the key to all of our human existence lies on our individual ability to produce that which the ecosystem finds valuable, one way or another and to extreme degrees: the poor, the miserable, and the absurdly rich. An extremely distributed system that shaves off barely-existing quantities from a mind-boggling number of transaction fees is basically invisible to the users but can rake these obscene amounts of cash, and less likely to garner objections or scrutiny because it feeds so many mouths under its shade. This is the power of the brand and the tycoons behind them.
The ability to almost-imperceptibly be everywhere and take almost nothing until it adds up to everything (that matters)
Teachers need certain materials to be learned, and students need to learn these materials. That is what the money is for: to have people learn useful things. A teacher who can communicate effectively and also meets the needs of a modern student fares better than another, who is disinterested in communicating at all.
A babysitter is not a mentor
Efficient communication is not only the ability to interact through physical media (talking, face to face, visual aids) but also cyber-media: a classroom web app, mobile site, beacon, geotag. If a person speaks more than one language and can program too, there are that many more tools to reach a broader audience and aid in the formation of fundamentals.
People go to schools to learn. Multiple channels of communication, as well as a structured and organized maintenance of knowledge body, are the fundamentals that allow the success of any school or place of learning. A multilingual course coupled with electronic aids for translation and accessibility.
More people can learn and understand, better and more
Our current universal tools, the HTML/CSS/JS trifecta are still not to the point where just anyone can pick them up and produce something decent (or at all) in a short amount of time, but they are evolving one way or another. Each library, each project is a specimen with a specific set of mutations with the purpose of addressing a specific set of needs. Some of these projects will succeed and imprint in others the successful pattern, uncovering yet another new set of needs ahead.
function soon(){ '...' }
Education is Everything
wish: a tiny promise
Example: Fetch location, then weather data
I. With callbacks, not Promises
getWeather(function(weather){ console.log(weather) }); function getWeather(then){ getPosition(function(position){ get('//api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?' + 'lat=' + (0|position.coords.latitude) + '&lon=' + (0|position.coords.longitude), then); }); } function getPosition(then){ return navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(then); } function get(url, then){ with (new XMLHttpRequest) onload = function(xhr){ then(JSON.parse(xhr.target.response)); }, open('GET', url), send(); }
II. With Promises
getPosition() .then(getWeather) .then(log); function getPosition(){ return new Promise(function(then){ navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(then); }); } function getWeather(position){ return new Promise(function(then){ get('//api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?' + 'lat=' + (0|position.coords.latitude) + '&lon=' + (0|position.coords.longitude)).then(then); }); } function get(url, then){ return new Promise(function(then){ with (new XMLHttpRequest) onload = function(xhr){ then(JSON.parse(xhr.target.response)); }, open('GET', url), send(); }); }; function log(){ console.log(arguments[0]) }
This does not look easier
Good one. It doesn't.What matters is that the user flow is easier to read. While the implementation of the calls may be more complicated to understand and debug, these parts usually (especially with tests) do not see much change.
The difference may be subtle, but very important: Functional separation greatly improves maintainability. Once the functionality is available, it can be very easily reused by other flows without fuss. Conversely, the first example makes the code impossible or very difficult to reuse.
What do you think?
Asynchronous library loading with jQuery.Deferred
var your_library = 'can be FB (facebook) or google or whatever'; jQuery.when (window[your_library] || jQuery.Deferred (function(loader){ load(your_library); loader.resolve(); })) .done (do_stuff); function load (){ /* append the script to the page and declare the callback */ } function do_stuff(){ /* continue, assuming that window[your_library] is loaded */ }
Example Using Facebook API
jQuery.when (window['FB'] || jQuery.Deferred (function(loader){ // 1. load the Facebook API jQuery('<div id=fb-root></div>\ <script src="//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js" async></script>') .appendTo('body'); // 2. the Facebook API has a default callback function name window.fbAsyncInit = function(){ // ensure this is run only once window.fbAsyncInit = Function; FB.init({/* your init parameters here */}); // 3a. trigger the continuation of the script loader.resolve(); }; })) // 3b. continue .done(function(){ FB.getLoginStatus(function(response){ /* etc. */ }); });The pattern is simple. If the library in question has already loaded, it simply continues straight to
, otherwise it will call the deferred loader.
Example Using Google Maps API
jQuery.when(window['google'] || jQuery.Deferred(function(loader){ // a unique callback function name because why not var callback = '_' + (+new Date).toString(36), // use your key here if you need it src = '//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true&callback=' + callback; // 1. load google maps $('<script>', { src: src }).appendTo('body'); window[callback] = function(){ loader.resolve() }; })) .done(function(){ // something like this var defaultLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(33.990,-118.459); /* etc */ });
timeout and interval
I. CSS3 animation shorthand (w3/spec)
@keyframes once { /* something */ } @keyframes repeat { /* something */ } #thing { animation:once 3s } .things { animation:repeat 3s 300ms infinite }
II. js
setTimeout(function once(){ /* something */ }, 3e3); // no direct way to specify an initial delay setInterval(function repeat(){ /* something */ }, 3e3);
III. Hypothetical jQuery plugin (jQuery/docs)
$('#thing').timeout(function once(){ /* something */ }, 3e3); $('.things').interval(function repeat(){ /* something */ }, 3e3, 300);
How to work with me: a follow-up
Looking at traffic sources for this blog, I noticed that one of them isn't spam —shocking! I skimmed through it and the comments, but it was particularly the title, Servant Mentality, what caught my attention.
The comments there and in general the ones I saw here and on Hacker News were very particularly polarized: on one end, those who take offense. On the other, those that don't.
The software industry, and the psychology of programming languages fundamentally changes the psique of humans.
I'm not saying it is the only thing that does it, nor that it does it to everyone, but there is strong correlation.
When programming, optimization becomes part of everyday vocabulary: from actual algorithm optimization and latency analysis to timeline estimates and defect triage. One thing learned is, there is no silver bullet, only incremental improvements applied to the measured bottlenecks.
There are those who take passion in what they do and take the lessons to "hack" their lives too. Optimizing life can become a very entertaining hobby worth talking about with those who share the passion for it.
Optimizing doesn't come without downsides.
Eventually, some people realize that sugar-coating things are a sign of uncertainty, as there is no need to beat around the bush when respect is not in jeopardy. You say what you want and how, expect an honest response or rebuttal and iterate until a better state is reached.
Turns out that the extreme logical mind can often be at odds with an emotional mind with regards to criticism: the logical —optimizer— mind can take joy in pointing out defects and addressing them —self included, objectively— while the emotional mind can be obstructed and manipulated by an immature ego which by fear defends actions as if they were immutable extensions of the self; defending work as if they were actual appendages at risk.
It is immature and ineffective to argue otherwise, but logic also dictates that friction is ineffective which is where “pick your battles” comes from.
When reading the list, the vast majority of the readers are picturing an imaginary author. When I read it, I picture a real author because I actually know him. So it's natural for the former to project their insecurities and frustrations and reveal a lot about themselves, unknowingly.
To those with reasonable arguments —in either direction— thank you.
To the whiners, thank you. Your unreasonable arguments are entertaining. Haters gun’ hate.
What our software says about us
- Attention to detail: if we care and how much.
- Comprehension of the subject and problem.
- Eloquence: comprehension and mastery of the language.
- Use of adequate tools.
- Are the ideas compatible with the language constructs in use?
Indeed, someone looking at your code can tell if you want to quit, if you're an idiot, if you like being an idiot, if you're awkward and if you should be doing something else.
But in all seriousness, it really tells a lot.
For those actually writing and designing the languages themselves, respek.
I can only strive for it.
Quick parse_url
var url = 'http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?utmwv=5.2.4&utms=23&utmn=353317006&utmhn=www.something.something.com&utmt=event&utme=5(monetization_partner*buy_amazon*%2Fseries%2FThe_Millennium_Trilogy_Stieg_Larsson)(1)8(user_type*logged_in)9(119*true)11(1*2)&utmcs=UTF-8&utmsr=2560x1440&utmvp=1103x767&utmsc=24-bit&utmul=en-us&utmje=1&utmfl=10.3%20r183&utmdt=The%20Millennium%20Trilogy%20-%20Small%20Demons&utmhid=1278954452&utmr=0&utmp=%2Fseries%2FThe_Millennium_Trilogy_Stieg_Larsson&utmac=UA-xxxxxxxx-x&utmcc=__utma%3D76481800.571237505.1328141482.1328580205.1328639116.18%3B%2B__utmz%3D76481900.1328141480.1.1.utmcsr%3D(direct)%7Cutmccn%3D(direct)%7Cutmcmd%3D(none)%3B&utmu=6QAAAAAAAAAAAAAQ~';Now let's say you want to figure it out:
url .split(/[?&]/) .forEach(function(param){ console.log( decodeURICompontent(param).replace('=', ': ') ) });It will look like this:
http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif utmwv: 5.2.4 utms: 23 utmn: 353317006 utmhn: www.smalldemons.com utmt: event utme: 5(monetization_partner*buy_amazon*/series/The_Millennium_Trilogy_Stieg_Larsson)(1)8(user_type*logged_in)9(119*true)11(1*2) utmcs: UTF-8 utmsr: 2560x1440 utmvp: 1103x767 utmsc: 24-bit utmul: en-us utmje: 1 utmfl: 10.3 r183 utmdt: The Millennium Trilogy - Small Demons utmhid: 1278954452 utmr: 0 utmp: /series/The_Millennium_Trilogy_Stieg_Larsson utmac: UA-xxxxxxxx-x utmcc: __utma=76481800.571237505.1328141482.1328580205.1328639116.18;+__utmz=76481900.1328141480.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); utmu: 6QAAAAAAAAAAAAAQ~So there's that. Enjoy.
Somewhat-related rant
I figure you may want to know what the parameters mean, so here you go. The GIF Request Parameters for Google Analytics (mostly) say:Tracking code version: 5.2.4 Session counter (not on GA page): 23 Unique GIF id: 353317006 Host Name: www.smalldemons.com Type of request: event Extensible vars: 5(<category>*<action>*<label>)(1)8(user_type*logged_in)9(119*true)11(1*2) Encoding (not on GA page): UTF-8 Screen resolution: 2560x1440 Viewport (not on GA page): 1103x767 Screen color depth: 24-bit User language: en-us Java Enabled (not on GA page): 1 Flash version: 10.3 r183 Page title: The Millennium Trilogy - Small Demons Analytics-AdSense id: 1278954452 Referral URL: 0 Page request: /series/The_Millennium_Trilogy_Stieg_Larsson Account: UA-xxxxxxxx-x Cookie: __utma=76481800.571237505.1328141482.1328580205.1328639116.18;+__utmz=76481900.1328141480.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); Crazy sum*: 6QAAAAAAAAAAAAAQ~
*Some fool with a lot more time than me figured it's a bitmap (not an image!) of functions blah blah blah.
Also, if you wonder if this data could be used by third parties to track you, it appears possibly maybe.
I've changed a couple of numbers in this data, just so I don't get a hater commenting on my stupidity. But hey, haters gun' hate anyway.
CSS debug rule
* { background:transparent !important; box-shadow: -0.6ex -1.6ex .6ex rgba(161, 8, 0, 0.33); font-size: 1.01em; left: .3em; outline: 1px solid rgba(161, 8, 0, 0.33); position: relative; top: .6em; transition:all 1s }
Tiny carousel
setInterval(function(){ $('#carousel img:last-child, #testimonials blockquote:last-child') .fadeOut(1e3, function(){ $(this).prependTo(this.parentNode).show() }); }, 5e3);Take a look at a simple animation algorithm.
Closure Stylesheets are good but not great.
But that's not actually what I'm rabbling about today. I won't get into the details of what syntax or implementation is better either.
They miss the point
Development tools are very helpful, but they also stint the ability to learn how to use a language more efficiently. Of course, what matters is to get things done, but in the long run it will make a big difference to those who put the work (or were inspired) to do it better.
For example: using variables in CSS makes sense when you think about re-using colors here and there. Could this be better addressed by using a separate stylesheet that deals with colors (and non-layout modifying rulesets)?
The point is that the inconsistency of content format makes a developer (or is it the other way around?) write a ton of rules to undo all the badly-inherited ones. The complexity of the current codebase makes it near impossible to even figure out what is reusable and how to use it —and frankly, most often things are not designed with reusability in mind: shocking, right?
So the problem about reducing code size is not about how big your code is. As we move into the future, the target market will increasingly be represented by higher bandwidth consumers, since those are the ones with the money to spend. —I understand there is a long tail and it is irrelevant here. As devices download faster and richer media is served, your CSS, HTML and JS will be puny compared to the number of images and HD videos that you're serving. Ever-increasing compression, bandwidth and client-side storage and caching will increase this trend, no matter at what rate. Given enough time, code size will be irrelevant.
What does matter is how maintainable your code is. Code size does become increasingly important but because there will be exponentially more time invested in fixing bugs and building new features as a direct result of the lines of code and people involved.
Another example: What about calculated dimensions? Isn't it a pain to keep track of what the paddings and width add up to?
You are missing the point
The future is bringing a diversity of devices: apps on phones, tablets, laptops, desktops and TVs. The more anyone is developing a pixel-perfect layout, the more it will look stupid on all other devices but yours. Adaptive layout requires thinking about how the content will flow and accommodate the available screen size and pixel density. Pixel-perfect layouts are perfect for making your work look like that spiffy mock, but it won't look so great on most devices by the end of next year, if not sooner.
This jewel from 2006, Switchy McLayout on ALA, explained it well a long, long, long, internet time ago (seriously, look at an internet meme timeline. That was the same year as ICHC!). But the point is not to talk about how great adaptive layout is.
The point
Tools that make you lazy are bad for you, but not as bad if you truly suck. Take the time to love and learn your trade or step aside.
Still here?
I'm glad. Let's build a better web. Check out these resources
Write your own work contract
If your work is hot, you get to set the price.
Does this happen in practice?
To pull this off, the contract would have to consider the future employer's needs. For example, my contract could say that while I am employed for one company, I can't be also employed at another one; especially if it is a competitor but also if it results in a negative impact in my performance: working under expectations. Make sure expectations are set beforehand. This applies to marriage as well
I would choose the freedom to work on my own company, as I want to further my own career and life beyond what is reasonable to work for someone else. I do want to be doing something in 5 to 10 years and nobody is going to complain much if I leave a company then. It is then in my best interest to add that clause.
However, if working on this separate enterprise is competing in resources or opportunity then it's out. This can be generalized as a simple antitrust clause: Work on whatever, but don't screw us
In law, things always get muddy
For example, if I have company property (computer) and I do some other work on it, some contracts generically stipulate that all intellectual property coming from that device is property of the company. I would be pissed about this. What if I tweet a million-dollar idea? Should I use gmail from my own phone? That would be ridiculous.
However, if I come up with something that negatively affects the market aspirations of the company, it is reasonable to assume that I am at fault. Again, if I can contribute to my employer with something I do on my own, it makes sense to share, especially if it's their equipment.
Contracts and the law in general have never been very deserving of my attention
I prefer using common sense and dealing only with people who have a healthy —or just similar— sense of trust. After all, the heart of the law is to protect from abuse, not to use it to abuse others. Unfortunately, the solution has been to write more law mostly to the benefit of those who invest their life trying to understand a little part of it.
When we stop communicating as human citizens and let behavior be ruled by the shroud of selfish intent, artificial means to protect our society emerge. Stupid laws. Contracts that nobody can read. Enforcers who get high on the power trips and are neither protecting nor serving. That stuff has to stop.
The law is silly because we shouldn't need it
If you think I'm saying it shouldn't be followed, then the law was made for people like you who miss the point.
Harsh but necessary.
I would love to hear ideas for simple clauses
Something like:Work on whatever, don't screw us and Work whenever, just get things done in time. From this, it is important to make sure that expectations about output are clear from the beginning and that all deadlines and work load is agreed to as reasonable beforehand.
I know it is not legally realistic, but I know that there are many startups that rely more on the trust of their employees than a perfectly drafted contract.
How to work with me
Recently, I discovered said photocopy hiding within one of my coding books and showed it to my peers. They loved it. They loved it so much, that they wanted to use it for their own minions.
It is my ethical obligation to share with the world at large, provided the original author doesn't mind (unnamed for privacy) and provided you understand that this is half-jest and half-serious but definitely with a lot of respect and admiration for the author. After all, it takes balls to say what you think despite how weaklings might feel about it.
Here goes:
- I prefer to work fast, minimize bullshit, get to the point.
- You will sometimes have bad news for me. I want it immediately. I can usually show you how to fix it. And I never blame the messenger.
- Bring pen and paper to every meeting with me. Pay attention to what I say; I'll try to speak with care. If I frequently must repeat instructions, or remind you of something I've already told you, you will not work with me again.
- If I've scheduled a weekly meeting with you, don't assume that this meeting is the only time to raise issues with me; Interrupt me for time critical issues.
- If you have a meeting with me at an assigned time, and I am in another meeting with my door closed, interrupt me. I stack meetings, and each meeting leads into the next.
- I like "micro-meetings". Get in quick, bring only the necessary parties to the table, make a decision, get out. Five minutes or less. Make these effective by knowing what decision needs to be made before you start, and presenting the decision criteria ahead of time to all participants.
- Stand during micro-meetings.
- I don't like email, particularly for discussing complex topics. If a decision needs to be made, do a micro-meeting. If a problem needs to be discussed, ask the person with the most depth to prepare something, an agenda, have a whiteboard, and work through it quickly.
- One exception to the above: I like "micro-updates": Quick emails confirming time critical commitments and mutual understanding. These are especially useful after we hold a meeting and I give you a set of directives: I always like to hear our agreed-upon commitments echoed back to me. I may not respond, but I will read it. Keep these emails short: Spare me the greetings, thank yous, regards.
- Be consistent in your communication. Use words consistently. Use email headers consistently. Strive to make your work immediately comprehensible.
- If you disagree with me, voice your differences. I welcome and invite dissent. If this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to prepare your thoughts after the meeting and then later return to make your case.
- Ego-driven debates annoy me. Check your ego at the door: I'm only interested in reaching the best, most elegant solution —I don't care if it's your idea or mine.
- Don't be afraid to ask questions if you're not clear. I have more patience for explaining and clarifying my position before you start than I do patience for fixing a wasteful, incorrect approach after the fact.
- Don't tell me something is in the process of being done without telling me when it will be done. I'm more interested in the time commitment than the fact that an effort exists.
- Always give me options, informed by an economic analysis where possible (if there are dollars involved, an analysis is mandatory), and then make your recommendation. Don't tell me there's a problem without offering a solution. Don't offer me multiple solutions without giving me your best and final recommendation.
- If you must prepare reports for me, review spreadsheets I've created. Copy the style and format.
- Don't send me long documents. I like precision and concision. Say it on one page (or less).
I've fixed a typo, which was pretty hilarious. "Don't sent me long documents. I like precision...". Thank you, Hacker News for picking this up and for your comments.If you'd like to read more, follow me @darkgoyle
Malware — a report from the trenches.
Some people wonder if malware is a thing of the past. After all, if you know what a blog is, chances are you also know how to not get phished nor p0wned. You probably also think that because you are white-hat (not applicable to socially-retarded individuals), that the real threat is gone and a thing for kids hanging out on meme forums.
Let me explain what just happened as I was surfing:
I was image-surfing on Google, and I came across this image of what appears to be a visual test for an attractiveness study:

Upon hovering to click, I didn't bother making sense of what Google had picked in its index:

The image name makes sense (as opposed to these automatically-named uploads). The descriptive text and url, not so much. TL;DR
So I clicked, which sent me to a Google image server interstitial with a url that only Chuck Norris could read:
(By the way, it's interesting to see what data Google seems to be acquiring. Perhaps in another post)
The image was hosted on
which could or not directly correlate it to the attack that Gawker media underwent (allegedly — conspiracy alert).Google then loads the page hosting the image in the background. This page, hosted on
has only script as the source:var url = "http://dczhxynm.ce.ms/in.cgi?2&seoref="+
if (window!=top) {top.location.href = url;}
else document.location= url;
So off you go to a domain that looks totally legit. But not for long. A 302 redirect directly to an IP address that has no DNS registry:
and a proper tracking code made just for me: GET /79821af005378d43c661c9f19b618d143804cc4c0bece84e HTTP/1.1. How kind. Now they know everything that Google wanted to know about me.What follows is a very well made interface:
That's an image. You can click on it, you wuss.
The real site automatically sends you a zip file. As you can see, it was automatically downloaded by chrome (I suppose there are setting somewhere to ask first or not. Whatever.). The archive contains an OSX installer, which... well, I'm not that stupid. You are welcome to reverse engineer it if you want. I'm curious.
So I did what any responsible netizen would do:

The interesting thing here is, the site is broken on my current version of Chrome. What. The. Hell.

Whatever. Remove "position:relative", fill form, submit details.
Google breaks.
If you work for Google, email the malware list and get someone like that annoying Marc Merlin to use his persistence to work and get this clowncar operation fixed. It's even made the news:
How bad is this? Well, Anonymous gained access to my email address and my Playstation Network password with their attack on April 17 or so. This week I received an email from my bank (it was from my bank indeed) asking me to fill a customer survey in response to a phone call I allegedly made. I hadn't. I also got an automated email from PayPal (also legitimate) informing me of a returned email to their service@paypal account. I hadn't.
You can be very skeptical about anything you want, but I will pay attention to what happens next.
My passwords have always been different, and that IP address belongs to an ISP in Arizona.
Simple animation algorithm
Let's start with a simple case, fading in an element turning up the opacity on it. It's a good idea to start with the interface (how we want the call to look, ideally). Remember simple is always best:
Then the actual function definition:
function fadeIn(element){ // how smooth the animation runs var increment = 50, // how long it takes duration = 500, // this is important: it normalizes the steps scale = duration/increment; // Define the steps ahead of time for (var i = scale; 0 < i; i--) { // we use a function to retain the value of i setTimeout((function(i){ // the function actually executed on timeout return function(){ // Standard browsers element.style.opacity = i/scale; // Substandard browsers element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+(scale*i)+')'; }; })(i), increment*i); } }
Above, the scale is 10. The loop will then distribute 10 calls evenly, starting with the last one (500ms) and ending with the first, 10ms in the future.
We then use the scale to transform into the opacity values to be used: 0, .1, .2... 1 for standard browsers and 0-100 for browsers that were developed with little concern for cooperation for the benefit of user experience and the programmers having to implement it.
But this wouldn't be fun without making it a little more reusable, so let's clean it up. A general pattern to apply to functions is to keep track of what is modified —the element in this case— and what can change —increment, duration and property being mutated.
function animate(fn, config){ var increment = (config||{}).increment || 50, duration = (config||{}).duration || 500, scale = duration/increment; for (var i = scale; 0 < i; i--) { setTimeout((function(i){ return function(){ fn(i, scale); }; })(i), increment*i); } }
Since there are at least two operations to be executed on every step (because of different browser handling), I opted for explicitly passing the "verb" or lambda or visitor function to the animate function. This is how it could be used:
var element = document.getElementById('my_element'); animate(function(i, scale){ element.style.opacity = i/scale; element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+(scale*i)+')'; });A little trick I used above: since config may not be defined, I make sure there is always a default object or value to work with, so this:
var increment = 50; if (config && config.increment) { increment = config.increment; }...turns into this:
var increment = (config || {}).increment || 50;
There are a couple of ways to deal with config objects and defaults, and it depends on how many variables you are trying to set or override. It may make sense for larger configuration objects to extend a default object with the configuration values, for example.
Other modifications would involve using an "easing" function that determines how often the callback is fired and with what increment values. The one above is the linear, the simplest.
SVN, Git.
Well, that would be in the ideal world. If you want to do it differently, remember that you choose your dose of pain.
// Recursive function fib(n){ if (n < 2) return n; return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); } // Memoized function memFib(n){ return memFib[n] || (memFib[n] = fib(n)); } // Mathematical function mathFib(n){ return Math.floor(Math.pow(Phi, n)/Math.sqrt(5) +.5); }How do they compare in speed?
[fib, memFib, mathFib].map(function(fn){ var t0 = +new Date fn(30); return +new Date - t0 });Don't get your panties in a bunch just yet. This is an unfair fight:
is simply horrible, performance-wise. It's the easiest to understand and best for demonstrating recursive functions, but that's it.
is a great example for memoization, as it executes almost linearly, except for those numbers which have not been used yet. If you try runningmemFib
, you will start feeling the pain, but only the first time.
An important point to make here about memoization is, if your function will be called many times and always returns the same result given the same arguments, memoizing is your friend.
// Y-combinator var Yfib = Y(function(fn){ return (function(n){ if (n < 2) return n; return fn(n-1) + fn(n-2); }); }); // Memoized Y-combinator var YmemFib = Ymem(function(fn){ return (function(n){ if (n < 2) return n; return fn(n-1) + fn(n-2); }); });This is a whole different game, with n=1000:
[mathFib, YmemFib].map(function(fn){ var t0 = +new Date fn(1000); return +new Date - t0 });Firefox 3.6.10 cries somewhere between
and n=2000
about too much recursion, and the difference is less than 10 milliseconds in favor of the mathematical formula.Chrome 6.0.472.63 can handle at least
before exhausting its stack and has a difference of about 2 milliseconds. BOOM.
The Much Anticipated Morale Of The Leonardo Of Pisa Thingamajigs
- Go for the mathematical solution first. If you are not smart enough, ask Google. If Google is not smart enough, ask Tyler. Seriously.
- Memoize. Remember this. Get it?
- Use a Y-combinator. You don't have to understand how to use it, and good luck trying. Seriously. Here you go:
function Y(fn) { return function(x) { return (fn(function(n){ return (Y(fn))(n); }))(x); }; }
To help you understand, try: matt.might.net, fixed point combinator on Wikipedia, Electronics and Computing Systems at the University of Cincinnati, the book To Mock a Mockingbird, and/or some entheogens.
/** * Memoizing Y-combinator (aka triptonomikon). */ function Ymem(fn) { var mem = this; return function(x) { return mem[x] || (mem[x] = (fn(function(n){ return (Ymem.call(mem, fn))(n); }))(x)); }; }
This should keep you busy until the next post.
CSS layout helper rule
* { border:1px solid red }
But when you are being very stingy with your pixels, those extra border pixels can get in the way. I present to you the
Sooper Cosmogonic Layout Helper Rule that Rulez
* { background: rgba(100, 100, 100, .5) }
The RGBA rule allows you to specify a background color in rgb (0-255) plus an alpha (transparency) value, which will aggregate for nested objects.
Put it at the top of your css, optionally reduce the scope to, say
article * {...}
, and send me good karma if it works.
Filter Overload Pattern
In the simplest terms, the pattern starts with a function:
function stuff(s){ if (typeof s == 'string') doStuffWithAString(s) else throwOrIgnore(); }
Maybe you can't change the source code, or maybe you obsessively want to ultra-modularize your code. Either way, assume you want to use the same name to keep your source code as semantic as possible. Here is how I would do it:
// redefine function var _old_stuff = stuff; stuff = function(b){ // check for special case which should be overloaded here if (typeof b == 'boolean') // new behavior doStuffWithABoolean(b); // old behavior: call previously defined function. else _old_stuff(b); };
If you happen to mistakenly call the block twice, you will throw the function into a self-referential (endless) loop.
With this pattern, you can build functions that specialize in delegating functions by argument patterns, akin to classical Java method overloading. If you will be handling many patterns, it may eventually be interesting to use only one index delegator instead of a cascading pattern.
To illustrate how amusing it is to write overcomplicated code, consider the following
Mega Super Ultimate Listener Overload Pattern of Awesomeness
The interface is the only public function:
function transmogrify(){ // using this function as a dictionary or map: for (var filter in transmogrify.filters){ // filter functions return the name of the method to call var key = transmogrify.filters[filter].apply(this, arguments); if (key) transmogrify.methods[key].apply(this, arguments); } }
This is the extension mechanism. The filter can check argument arity, type, validity, etc.
transmogrify.filters.zap = function(str, num){ if (typeof str == 'string' && typeof num == 'num') return 'zip'; }; transmogrify.methods.zip = function(){ // there be beautiful code herein };
I know you want a function that does these two things in one go; a meta-meta-meta function. Maybe later.
Adaptive Layout Algorithm
Fundamentally, the difference is in the timing. If one is linear and another parallel, how many linear units (bitwidth) can be processed at a time? Depends on the base being used. As of stardate sun-2010AD, I, along with all humans I know of, communicate with our computers using binary time conversion. That means our computing languages and compilers are calculated with only 1/0 (binary) to time increments (linear-infinite). Comparatively, a human mind is the plane between two values: two hemispheres.
Back to areas of attention: text attracts one hemisphere, images attract the other. The brain needs to quickly identify how to process the "splat", then make a decision on what to pay attention to: the image of the pretty lady or the
More thinking: how big is the font? can I recognize any body parts relevant to my interests? FACES is what people look at first, subconsciously. There's studies with babies as the test subjects. Go read it. Anyway, more thinking, more fatigue. The less interrupted the flow is, the more efficient, the more rewarding. Interrupt is entropy, losses are negative. Got it?
So here is Will, the conscious, constantly waking up the subconscious. Let's call her Akasha. Note projection of opposite sexes and the allusion of memory -- a modern narcissus and echo.
An efficient algorithm will take into consideration this balance: good font size, balanced image to text ratio. What the right balance is, is the subject for a subsequent post. Hint: it has to do with numbers.